Ich zeige dir, wie du innerhalb von kürzester Zeit dein Leben mit bewusstem Atmen verändern kannst
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"Die Kunst des Atems"
Welcome to Sanajer
Breath is the rhythm of life
Are you breathless, have you lost contact with yourself, are you tormented by questions, are you in a personal crisis, do you have health problems?
Sanajer gets to the bottom of the causes and offers individual solutions. It supports you on the way to yourself.
The basis is formed by the services that Christina Koller has been successfully offering for years in St. Moritz and in Guarda. The offer is distinguished by the combination of different specialties. Examples are breathing therapy, yoga, horseback riding or hiking tours, combined with knowledge transfer about fauna, flora and hunting. Such connections promote not only the therapeutic result but also the entertainment value. A majority of the services also form a closed offer on their own, e.g. the project weeks for schools and companies or yoga.
The two Romansh words "san" and "ajer" mean "healthy air". In the healthy air of the Engadine you can take a deep breath, breathe again, let go, regenerate.
Come to the Lower Engadine, discover Guarda, a picturesque village, nestled in the Lower Engadine mountain region, has become famous for the Wakker Prize (1975) and the story of Schellen Ursli.