"Atme bewusst - lebe intensiv"
Revolutioniere dein Wohlbefinden mit VAGUS FLOW®
Dein Weg zu innerer Stärke beginnt hier
VAGUS FLOW® by Sanajer ist eine Methode, die von Christina Koller entwickelt wurde.
Dein Schlüssel zum vollen Potenzial! Das geballte Kraftpaket aus Anleitungen und Übungen, basierend auf dem Atem- und Körperbewusstsein. Aktiviere damit deinen Vagusnerv und verbessere sämtliche Lebensbereiche.
Innerhalb des VAGUS FLOW® Atemkurs
Verfeinere dein Atembewusstsein, erhöhe deine Energie und meistere fortgeschrittene Atemtechniken. Nutze deinen Atem präzise, um Körper und Geist in Harmonie zu bringen.

Ich zeige dir, wie du dein Atembewusstsein entwickelst
Du lernst, wie wichtig es ist, deinen Atem zu spüren und zu verstehen. Wir werden uns auf die drei Räume des Atems konzentrieren und Techniken zur Entspannung durch die Ausatmung kennenlernen.
Ich zeige dir, wie du die Kraft deines Atems nutzt
Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Zwerchfellatmung und wie sie dir mehr Energie und Vitalität verleihen kann. Erfahre, wie du durch Nasenatmung im Alltag deine Lebensqualität steigerst und deinen Vagusnerv mit speziellen Atemübungen aktivierst.

Ich zeige dir, wie du die zahlreichen Atemtechniken zielgerichtet einsetzt
Wir widmen uns fortgeschritteneren Techniken, wie Nadi Shodana, Kapalabhati und das Training deines Zwerchfells mit Widerstand. Entdecke, wie du deinen Atem gezielt steuern und deine körperliche und geistige Gesundheit beeinflussen kannst.
Das erwartet dich im VAGUS FLOW® Atemkurs
Freue dich auf eine Reise zur inneren Ruhe. Erfahre die transformative Kraft des Atems und finde Balance in Körper und Geist. Tauche ein in eine Welt des Wohlbefindens und der Entspannung.
... und 22 weitere Kurse auf die du sofort Zugriff hast
Das sind die gesundheitlichen Vorteile von diesem Atemkurs:
Entspanne dich besser
Werde Leistungsfähiger
Reguliere deinen Stress
Sei kreativ & klar
Verbessere deinen Schlaf
Nutze dein volles Potenzial
Das exklusive Coaching, das dich erwartet
Christina Koller führt dich behutsam mit ihrer authentischen Persönlichkeit und ihrer einzigartigen Methode auf deiner Reise.
Nebst den Videos erhaltest du unter anderem auch mein Buch «Atme bewusst, lebe intensiv – VAGUS FLOW® und die Kunst des Atmens» als PDF und diversse Audiodateien.
PDF Welle, Skript Vagus Flow Basis, Audiodateien und Filme für eine tiefere Atempraxis und innere Harmonie über einen Monat.
Werde Teil der neuen Atem-Generation
Sichere dir durch deine Anmeldung heute noch exklusiven Zugang zum VAGUS FLOW® Atemkurs.
VAGUS FLOW® Atemkurs
Nutze eine siebentägige kostenlose Testphase von VAGUS FLOW®, indem du heute noch beitrittst
Wir bieten eine 7-tägige Geld-zurück-Garantie, ohne dass Fragen gestellt werden. Das bedeutet, dass du alle von uns angebotenen Vorteile 6 Tage lang geniessen kannst und am 7. Tag in jedem Fall eine Rückerstattung erhältst. Das bedeutet, dass du VAGUS FLOW® beitreten kannst, ohne dass du dabei ein Risiko eingehst und viele Vorteile hast.
Es ist mir eine Ehre, für dich erreichbar zu sein.
Ich freue mich, dich persönlich zu begleiten und zu fördern
Tausche dich mit der Atemexpertin Christina Koller aus, um massgeschneiderte Antworten zu erhalten. Vereinbare unterhalb ein kostenfreies Erstgespräch.
What is VAGUS FLOW®?In Christina Koller's first book "BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY - LIVE INTENSELY: VAGUS FLOW® and the Art of Breathing", Christina shares the insights and techniques she has developed over the years. Her principle "The quality of your breath determines the quality of your life" reflects her conviction that the breath plays a central role in our well-being. With VAGUS FLOW®, she shows how the breath helps us to stay anchored in our dynamic everyday lives and de-stress through conscious breathing without having to step out of our active lives. Christina's aim is to promote the health and well-being of her readers through practice-orientated approaches and interventions suitable for everyday life. VAGUS FLOW® is a method that can be used anywhere. You can learn the method in a setting in nature, in her practice, online, in 1:1 coaching sessions, in groups, while travelling or from 2025 in the VAGUS FLOW® training. The effect of this method is profound: it influences the autonomic nervous system directly via the breath, promotes resilience, supports positive thought patterns and helps to overcome negative thoughts more quickly. Through targeted training in breathing and body awareness, readers learn to sharpen their focus and recognise their inner strength and uniqueness. Christina emphasises that the greatest challenge lies in the regularity of the practice and the integration of conscious breathing into everyday life. VAGUS FLOW® is an invitation to discover the art of breathing and to experience the transformative power of conscious breathing. With "BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY - LIVE INTENSIVELY", you will receive a practical guide to finding inner orientation, serenity and increased well-being through the breath.
What training have you completed in order to be able to accompany people professionally?Christina Koller is a passionate breath therapist who combines her love of horses and nature with a deep dedication to improving health and well-being through conscious breathing. She discovered the gentle power of breath 15 years ago and decided to dedicate her life to exploring and teaching this valuable skill. Her journey led her to a comprehensive four-year training as a breath therapist at the Institute for Body-Centred Psychotherapy (IKP). She combines her in-depth training with a degree in social work and 30 years of experience in the fields of spirituality and yoga. Her innovative VAGUS FLOW® method was born from this unique blend. With the founding of her company Sanajer SA, whose name means "healthy air" in Romansh, she created a platform to make this method accessible to a wider audience.
Can you teach me how to breathe properly?My answer in each case is: there is no right or wrong way to breathe. Your breath reliably reflects your current emotional state. Learn to recognise this, to read your breath, to be with your emotions. You can then consciously choose an exercise and decide in which direction you want to regulate your autonomic nervous system through your breath - relaxation or activity. This makes it possible to become aware of your stress reactions and change them sustainably. Being with what is and waiting until the emotion changes from within is sustainable, exciting and gentle. This takes much less energy than constantly switching back and forth between an unconscious trigger and an activity with the aim of removing the unpleasantness. Through relaxation, the natural, gentle abdominal breath, connected to the diaphragm, is given space again and unfolds by itself. The breath is like water and always wants to create the space it needs. The breathing exercises are a training that expands your breathing space, strengthens and stretches your muscles and influences your autonomic nervous system. Regular practice is important and promotes natural breathing. But we can't practise all day long. The foundation is formed by your breath observation and your being.
How did you learn to accompany people?My many years of basic training, ongoing further training, daily practice and life experience form the basis for accompanying people.
What do you think of dynamic breathing exercises such as Breathwork, Holotropic Breathwork, etc. to release trauma?These intensive exercises can trigger strong emotions. Experiencing and being with them can promote resilience. I have observed that this can lead to sensory overload and a deterioration of the mental state. Dynamic breathing exercises, such as those mentioned above, should only be practised if a stable foundation is in place and the techniques are learnt with professional guidance. If you have never done such exercises before, I would advise against online events and large groups.
What do you think of substances such as ayahuasca, mushrooms and LSD to expand consciousness and accelerate life processes?I find the use of substances dangerous and unpredictable. These substances are often sought by people who are in a challenging life situation and want a quick transformation and a quick fix. Without a secure, stable foundation, sensory overload and re-traumatisation can quickly become overwhelming. The after-effects can still be subconsciously felt weeks later and drive you into actions that are not for your highest good. Often the providers of such journeys are not psychologically trained and experienced to accompany the resulting crises over a long period of time. After leaving such a ceremony, you are usually alone with yourself and everything you have caused. There are other, gentler ways to get in touch with yourself and your soul.
How do I manage to stay in touch with myself and feel what is good for me?The breath directly influences the autonomic nervous system. By observing your breath and breathing consciously, your body awareness returns. Your breath and your body reliably show you what you need at that moment. Thoughts are like the wind, they change quickly and do not necessarily suggest the best to you - as they are driven by unconscious emotions.
Experience from my practiceLife processes and lasting changes take time. They affect unconscious structures and behaviours and often lead us through our own abysses - which we are naturally afraid of. We are impatient with ourselves and wish for a painless quick fix. Spontaneous healing and miracles can certainly happen - but this is usually associated with regular practice, realisation and knowledge. At the beginning, complex and active interventions are often sought. The effect can be felt directly and intensely. However, they tend to feed our stress system and can lead to sensory overload. This does not provide a safe framework. Self-healing arises from slowness, depth and relaxation. Simple observation of the breath and regular breathing exercises may seem unspectacular at first, but these lay the foundations for further steps towards safety. For me, being alive means being connected with all emotions, standing with both feet in everyday life and encountering life in all its facets with an open heart. The breath is the essential force for being in contact with yourself.